01 B 16 A: Why were you arguing with Brooke? B: She is such an inexperienced actress, she ________ believed everything the director told her. (A) foolish (B) foolishly (C) fool (D) fooled 02 D 16 A: Were you able to put the fire out? B: Yes, but only after ________ attempts. (A) repeating (B) repetition (C) repeatedly (D) repeated 03 D 16 A: What are you doing to make your house more beautiful? B: Well, the flowers that we planted this spring should ________ the yard. (A) beautifully (B) beautiful (C) beauty (D) beatify 04 B 16 A: What kinds of values and traditions are you teaching your family, Homer? B: Uh, the Simpson family values its ________ of television viewing. (A) traditional (B) tradition (C) traditionally (D) traditionalize 05 D 16 A: Do you think the administration is withholding information? B: They claim that the main ________ were reported by the press without delay. (A) eventual (B) eventfully (C) eventful (D) events 06 A 16 A: That chair is very hard. B: Yes, but it looks ________. (A) comfortable (B) comfortably (C) comfortableness (D) comfort 07 A 16 A: How did she get so many injuries? B: She was tossed ________ into the air by the ipmact of the crash. (A) easily (B) easy (C) ease (D) eased 08 C 16 A: Kelly certainly looks pleased. B: Yes, he feels very proud or himself for having earned his latest ________ award . (A) achieve (B) achiever (C) achievement (D) achievable 09 D 16 A: Did the general really have any glory days? B: Oh yes, he was first in ________ in 1945. (A) commander (B) commandment (C) commanding (D) command 10 A 16 A: How will I ever find you? B: Don't worry, a family of ten is easily __________ in a small restaurant. (A) noticed (B) notice (C) notify (D) notification 11 D 16 A: Is your partner of any use in this new venture? B: Are you kidding? He's very business oriented and has provided us with the information we needed to start our own __________ venture. (A) commerce (B) commercially (C) commercialize (D) commercial 12 A 16 A: How did the accountant ever find the mistake? B: He __________ looked over the monthly accounts. (A) carefully (B) careful (C) care (D) caring 13 B 16 A: What was the problem in obtaining the order? B: Regardless of how politely the agent asked for the __________ case, the clerk adamantly refused to give it to her until she brought the proper authorization. (A) wooded (B) wooden (C) wooding (D) would 14 B 16 A: Why do you speak so highly of your assistant? B: Because she __________ supported me even when all seemed hopeless. (A) loyal (B) loyally (C) loyalty (D) loyals 15 B 16 A: What did the paper say about my performance last night? B: " The lecturer smilingly addressed the __________ audience in the city auditorium without using her numerous notes. " (A) attently (B) attentive (C) attendance (D) attend 16 C 16 A: Continued use of fossil fuels is destroying the planet. Why do we keep using them? B: Alternative energy resources like the sun and water have not been exploited because of the __________ of cheap oil. (A) abundant (B) abundantly (C) abundance (D) abound 17 B 16 A: Why is the value of our stock dropping so quickly? B: The major investors decided __________ to withdraw their large support and refused to elaborate on their decision. (A) unanimous (B) unanimously (C) anonymous (D) united 18 D 16 A: What was the President's response to your question? B: He refused to __________. (A) commented (B) commenting (C) commenter (D) comment 19 D 16 A: Did your visit to the Congressman have any effect? B: Yes, my reminding him of his obligation to his constituency prompted him to resume ______________. (A) local food distribution immediate (B) distribution immediate local food (C) food local immediate distribution (D) immediate local food distribution 20 D 16 A: What a feeling of freedom! B: Yes, for the first time the curfew was temporarily __________ during the week-long riot. (A) lifting (B) lift (C) lifter (D) lifted